Team Member Experience
Working at Chick Fil A was my first ever job. I got the job right after I turned 16, old enough to work, and got my drivers license. Working at Chick Fil A was a stressful, often anxiety inducing experience, but was very good experience for me. Before this job I struggled with major social anxiety as a result of my generalized anxiety. Being put in a place that required me to talk to people often and where more outgoing people were all around me I was forced to face some of my fears about social interaction and eventually become significantly better at handling them. While this job was a lot at times, with huge rushes requiring lots of focus for long periods, working here made me much better at working under stress. 
Area Team Leader Experience
After about a year of working as a regular team member, I was approached by some of the people in charge about a promotion to area team leader. I believe this was because of my work ethic despite my likely obvious anxiety. I like to do the best job I can whenever I work on anything, so while working I would always make sure that I was doing something so that I felt like I was contributing to the team. Because of my year working there I was also a lot better at each of the positions and a lot more confident in my work.
Being an area team leader isn't quite as much responsibility as a manager or shift leader, but it is a sign of responsibility to make sure that everyone on the team is working and staying on task. While I was nervous to start working at this position, I was ready to take on the challenge. With my desire to become a game designer, I knew that this position would give me experience working with others and being a leader.
Working as an area team leader gave me lots of really good experiences that really helped me grow in both my professional and personal life. The experience I got being a leader has been a huge help as I have been trying to be project lead on more of the projects I have been working on. Through this position I realized that I actually have a talent for leading, and I want to pursue this skill as something to hopefully make a part of my job in the future.
Working at chick fil a, especially as an area team leader really helped me in becoming more confident in myself and capable of working. While before I was unsure if I would be able to work long hours, this experience helped me know that I am. Chick Fil A was my first real job, and set me up for success for the future, despite it's often stressful and demanding nature. Because of this I am very appreciative of my time working at Chick Fil A.

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